Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Sample Bouquet: It's a Winner

My florist put together a sample bouquet for me a couple of weeks ago. I got to watch her put it together, which was definitely beneficial, as I realized I didn't love what we had originally planned. She quickly pulled some things out and put others in and ... viola!

We ended up with pin-cushion protea {planned}, red roses {planned}, flame/mango calla lillies {planned, although not the color I thought they were going to be} and hypericum berries {not planned}. We edited out the green kangaroo paw and bluperium.

I took the bouquet home and stared at it over the weekend, and I think it's a winner. {Unfortunately, the cats thought so too. I had to keep them away from it as some lillies are dangerous to cats.} I was originally not sold on the color of the calla lillies, but I think they go well with everything else that's in the bouquet.

Love to hear your thoughts!


  1. I love the bouquet against your white shirt! It really pops. Beautiful!!

  2. Hey, thanks for the comment! I like comments! Glad you like it. :)
