Monday, April 27, 2009

THE Dress

Perhaps the biggest part of a wedding is the dress. Girls dream about what their dress will look like from the time they are young, right? I don't really remember thinking about my wedding dress when I was 8, but some girls do.

I was lucky to go to ONE bridal shop and find my dress. I got engaged on Dec. 24 and went to Solutions Bridal the next week. I tried on probably 15 dresses and by the end of my time there had narrowed it down to two. I went back on Jan. 4 with my mom and dad and tried on the two finalists. I think we were all in agreement as to which one was THE DRESS. So I ordered it that day. I got a call later and found out my dress would be in the store in mid-May.

Much to my surprise, I got another call from Solutions in early April telling me my dress was in! How exciting! So I waited to go this past weekend, April 25, to try it on when they were having hair and make-up trials in the store.

The most awesome part is that it's not going to need much altering. Translation: less money to shell out! Jordan of Green Flamingo Photography was at the shop taking complimentary photos of everyone. Here's a photo she took of me. Thankfully it's from the back, so it doesn't give away my dress ... in the very slight chance that Robbie was to find this blog!

I will say that the dress is WTOO, the more affordable line of Watters & Watters ... and I love it!

So now I wait until a few months before the wedding to get it altered. Thankfully it's living at Solutions for the time being in a nice garment bag!


  1. You look so beautiful from behind!!! We are so happy for you. We Love You--Aunt Liver and Uncle Joey.

  2. You will be a beautiful bride, and we will be "poverty parents".......ha. We love you, Mom and Dad

  3. Mine is Wtoo also! The Marquete (not sure on spelling). But shhhh don't tell the Mister. Haha. I love Solutions Bridal they are so incredibly sweet there.
