Tuesday, May 5, 2009

I Love Shoes

So I have been doing more searching for aqua/turquoise shoe options that are 1) less expensive than J. Crew and 2) have a shorter heel. First, I found some flip-flops from OKAb, which is a cool line that I actually already have two pairs of shoes from. I realize they are flip-flops, but being that it's an outdoor wedding AND people won't really see them, I think it would be OK. {If people won't really see them, why am I spending this much time on shoes?!}

The other option is a pair of shoes from Unforgettable Moments by Lela Rose. She is an upscale designer who did the wedding and bridesmaid dresses for Jenna Bush.


This particular line is sold online and at Payless (yes, Payless!) and has about a dozen different designs. Each can be dyed in one of 64 different colors.

Yet another option is some shoe, I don't know what shoe, with shoe clips. Brittany of Tickled Pink Brides introduced me to shoe clips, and I think they are just so neat. These particular ones are by Erica Weiner, and I love them. Because I love them, they are currently out of stock. But anyway, you get the picture.

Ok, thoughts??

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